Posts Tagged ‘british’

The ‘Hindoo’ Mind : Colonised by Macaulayism

‘ Macaulayism ‘ the term derives from Thomas Babington Macaulay, a member of the Governor General’s Council in the 1830s. Earlier, the British Government of India had completed a survey of the indigenous system of...

The Forgotten Heroes: Hindu soldiers in the First World War

The narration of First World War is that war was predominantly European and was fought exclusively by Europeans. This is quite a long way departure from the truth. Today, while few would remember that Indian Corps won 13,000 me...

Sri Aurobindo : The Great Hindu Mystic and Visionary

“The will of a single hero can breathe courage into the hearts of a million cowards “ Sri Aurobindo was one of the greatest philosophers, revolutionary ,mystics and visionaries of modern history. He was a major leader in In...

Puli Thevar : The Ultimate Rebel Warrior

Long before Mangal Pandey who ignited the revolt of 1857, there was another Hindu , born in the land of the Raja Raja Cholan, who was the scourge of the enemies of Dharma. His name was Puli Thevar. The name Puli in Tamil means ...