Month: April 2013

  • Origins of Anti-Brahminism

    Origins of Anti-Brahminism

    The true prophets of the anti-Brahmin message were no doubt the Christian missionaries. In the sixteenth century, Francis Xavier wrote that Hindus were under the spell of the Brahmanas, who were in league with evil spirits, and that the elimination of Brahminism was the first priority in the large operation of bringing Salvation to the…

  • The Arya Samaj and Vedic Monotheism

    The Arya Samaj and Vedic Monotheism

    Is there a Vedic monotheism?  The occasion for this paper on monotheism and its presence or absence in Hinduism is an upsurge in the Arya Samaj’s long-standing campaign to convince Hindus of the superiority and Vedic basis of monotheism. Founded in 1875, the Ârya Samâj, in effect “Society of Vedicists”, was a trail-blazer of Hindu revivalism…

  • Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi?

    Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi?

    Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, commonly known as Swatantryaveer Savarkar was a courageous freedom fighter, social reformer, writer, dramatist, poet, historian, political leader and philosopher. Still widely unknown to the masses intentionally under the regime of  the Indian Secular State which instead has maligned him for decades for standing up for Hindu Society and giving them a…

  • Language Wars : Aryan vs Dravidian

    Language Wars : Aryan vs Dravidian

    Language Wars The chronological frame sketched is somewhat different from the dogma of the generation past. Then we were told that India was invaded around 1500 BC by Aryans from Central Asia or, perhaps, even South Europe. This dogma was at the basis of the construction of an elaborate scenario related to strife between the…

  • The Vedas and the Birth of Science

    The Vedas and the Birth of Science


  • Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics

    Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics

    There is a legend about a magic tree, kalpataru, that fulfills all wishes. Indian civilization is this tree of riches and wisdom. Kings and emperors sought to conquer India for its material wealth; the campaign of Alexander, the unceasing attacks of the Turks, the voyage of Columbus, the British empire—these had India as the focus.…

  • Speed of Light discovery by Vedic Scholar Sayana

    Speed of Light discovery by Vedic Scholar Sayana

    Imagine that archaeologists, digging a thousand year old virgin site in Antarctica, come across an inscription deep underground that shows the sun, and next to it the numbers 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. What would the world do? More likely than not, this find will not be accepted by scholars. A fraud,…

  • Masters of Language

    Masters of Language

    The events of September 11 remind us how words can convert ordinary people into mass murderers. But there are good words and bad words. Here we speak of three people whose words have done a lot of good for more than two thousand years. One could even say that these three people transformed the world.…