Month: September 2014

  • Battle of Somnath : Symbol of Unbroken Faith

    Battle of Somnath : Symbol of Unbroken Faith

    Amidst the thundering roar of projectiles and arrows an old man stood silently – behind him the sacred temple of Somnath was in ruins with hordes of Turk horsemen riding over the dead bodies of the custodians of the holy shrine. Their desperate attempts at defending the temple against the fanatical iconoclasm of the Muslim…

  • Jeremy Irons joins Dev Patel film The Man Who Knew Infinity

    Jeremy Irons joins Dev Patel film The Man Who Knew Infinity

    The British actor will star in the biopic of Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, to be played by Dev Patel. Ramanujan conducted his mathematical research alone and without formal training, yet made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions. This man had one of the best mathematical minds of all time.In…

  • Looney Marxist Historian Attacks Arun Shourie

    Looney Marxist Historian Attacks Arun Shourie

    D.N. Jha’s “Reply to Arun Shourie”, dated 3 July 2014, was published in shorter form as “Grist to the reactionary mill”, Indian Express, 9 July 2014. It starts as follows: “I was amused to read ‘How History Was Made Up At Nalanda’ [28 June 2014, the Indian Express:] by Arun Shourie, who has dished out…