Category: Academic Negationism

  • The lost honour of India studies

    The lost honour of India studies

    S.N. Balagangadhara, better known as Balu, is Professor of Comparative Culture Studies in Ghent University, Belgium. Balu is a Kannadiga Brahmin by birth, a former Marxist, and his discourse has a very in-your-face quality. In his latest book, Reconceptualizing India Studies (Oxford University Press 2012), the attentive reader will see a critique of the Indological…

  • Origins of Anti-Brahminism

    Origins of Anti-Brahminism

    The true prophets of the anti-Brahmin message were no doubt the Christian missionaries. In the sixteenth century, Francis Xavier wrote that Hindus were under the spell of the Brahmanas, who were in league with evil spirits, and that the elimination of Brahminism was the first priority in the large operation of bringing Salvation to the…

  • Language Wars : Aryan vs Dravidian

    Language Wars : Aryan vs Dravidian

    Language Wars The chronological frame sketched is somewhat different from the dogma of the generation past. Then we were told that India was invaded around 1500 BC by Aryans from Central Asia or, perhaps, even South Europe. This dogma was at the basis of the construction of an elaborate scenario related to strife between the…

  • Historical Christian Contributions to Tamil Language and Culture

    Historical Christian Contributions to Tamil Language and Culture

    As Christianity expanded leaving in its trail genocides,pillage and the destruction of indigenous pagan traditions it couldn’t always break the spirit of the common people it persecuted who still prayed to the old gods and celebrated them in most cases secretly. So the church had another method of destroying the ancient traditions by Christianizing the…

  • Vijayanagar Negationism

    Vijayanagar Negationism

    In several articles and speeches since at least 2004 (“Trapped in the ruins”, The Guardian, 20 March 2004), and especially in the commotion provoked by Girish Karnad’s speech in Mumbai (autumn 2012), William Dalrymple has condemned Nobel prize winner V.S. Naipaul for writing that the Vijayanagar empire was a Hindu bastion besieged by Muslim states.…

  • A Debate with an ‘Eminent’ Historian

    A Debate with an ‘Eminent’ Historian

    Recently an e-mail exchange took place between my friend K. Venkat and the retired “eminent historian” Prof. Harbans Mukhia. Venkat himself gave a fitting reply to the august scholar’s opinions, which is circulating on the net (I received a copy on 9 Dec. 2012). Herewith I want to formulate my own comment. Prof. Mukhia replied…

  • A Nazi Out-of-India Theory?

    A Nazi Out-of-India Theory?

    [box_light]While we were working on the argumentation against the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), an improper and utterly false argument against the presumed association of the rivaling Out-of-India Theory (OIT) with Nazi Germany was being prepared in high places. This becomes clear from a refutation of the latter in a paper published by the International Journal…

  • Time for Aryan Invasion Theory to Invade the Dustbin of History

    Time for Aryan Invasion Theory to Invade the Dustbin of History

    Crass racist theories which are both laughable and offensive are thankfully a thing of the past. Or are they? The Holocaust put the nail in the coffin that race theory could be anything other than murderous and beyond the pale. Yet apartheid was instituted in South Africa only 3 years later. Western democracies remained by…

  • Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup

    Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup
