Tag: akbar

  • Response to Girish Shahane on Rajput ‘Failure’ or Victory ?

    Response to Girish Shahane on Rajput ‘Failure’ or Victory ?

    I have just been exposed to a worthless and meaningless article by a self-propagating Hindu phobic writer. The person I refer to is known as Girish Shahane, who by his own account is the proud owners of multiple degrees from various institutions including Oxford University  – we presume he means the world famous Oxford University…

  • Rajnath Singh says if Akbar is ‘great’, so is Rana Pratap

    Rajnath Singh says if Akbar is ‘great’, so is Rana Pratap

    PRATAPGARH: In line with the Sangh Parivaar’s push for Hindu icons, Union home minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday asked historians to revisit history by giving Mewar ruler Maharana Pratap more credit. “I have no objections to historians writing Akbar The Great. But why not Pratap The Great? The valour and sacrifice that the Maharana demonstrated…

  • Rani Durgavati

    Rani Durgavati

    Rani Durgavati was born on 5th October 1524 A.D. in the family of famous Chandel emperor Keerat Rai. She was born at the fort of Kalanjar (Banda, U.P.). Chandel Dynasty is famous in the Indian History for the valiant king Vidyadhar who repulsed the attacks of Mehmood Gaznavi. His love for sculptures is shown in…