Tag: Anti Hindu

  • Romila Thapar mistakes Hindu impotent rage for a pro-Hindu power equation

    Romila Thapar mistakes Hindu impotent rage for a pro-Hindu power equation

    According to retired history professor Romila Thapar, “academics must question more” (The Hindu, October 27, 2014). She was delivering the third Nikhil Chakravartty Memorial Lecture, eloquently titled: “To Question or not to Question: That is the Question”. The problem addressed by her was that “academics and experts shied away from questioning the powers of the…

  • How Buddha was turned Anti Hindu

    How Buddha was turned Anti Hindu

    Orientalists have started treating Buddhism as a separate religion because they discovered it outside India, without any conspicuous link with India, where Buddhism was not in evidence. At first, they didn’t even know that the Buddha had been an Indian. It had at any rate gone through centuries of development unrelated to anything happening in…