Tag: Gita

  • The Ideals of the Kshatriya – Warrior

    The Ideals of the Kshatriya – Warrior

    It is clear to Sri Krishna that Arjuna will not be swayed by philosophical considerations alone, and he therefore next turns his attention to the role and highest ideals of the warrior caste, the kshatriya, to which Arjuna belongs. The principles enunciated here speak to the entire background, training and education that Arjuna has received…

  • Sri Aurobindo : The Great Hindu Mystic and Visionary

    Sri Aurobindo : The Great Hindu Mystic and Visionary

    “The will of a single hero can breathe courage into the hearts of a million cowards “ Sri Aurobindo was one of the greatest philosophers, revolutionary ,mystics and visionaries of modern history. He was a major leader in India’s freedom movement. Later in life he became a sage and scholar. His teachings have attracted many…

  • The Gita and the Freedom of India

    The Gita and the Freedom of India

    The struggle against British colonialism marked a period when a huge number of Hindus became free from a very exploitative regime (and although the new regimes in India have eventually turned out just as worse as the British working against  the interest of Hindus) – it cannot be denied that the freedom fighters against the British…

  • Sant Eknath

    Sant Eknath

    SANT EKNATH is one of the great rishis of Maharshtra. Starting from the life of Jnaneshwar (1275-1298), whose treatise on the Bhagavad Gita sprang new life into the religious life of the land, Maharashtra was blessed with a stream of great religious figures, who sustained the faith of the people in the religion of the…