Tag: Mahatma Gandhi

  • Savarkar and Modi, beginning and end of Hindutva

    Savarkar and Modi, beginning and end of Hindutva

    Hate mongers Hate mongers often need concocted stories to buttress their political message. In India, these are most common in that peculiar Indian form of hatred: anti-Brahminism. As the local counterpart to what anti-Semitism has been in the West, it fantasizes about how Brahmins have only domination over us lesser mortals as their uppermost concern.…

  • The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    Where Brahma (spiritual power) and Kshatra (worldly power) move together, may I know that sacred world where the Gods move together with Agni (the sacred fire). Shukla Yajur Veda 20.25 The ancient Vedic seers provided different teachings for different levels and temperaments of human beings. They recognized an organic order to society, in which various…

  • The Gita and the Freedom of India

    The Gita and the Freedom of India

    The struggle against British colonialism marked a period when a huge number of Hindus became free from a very exploitative regime (and although the new regimes in India have eventually turned out just as worse as the British working against  the interest of Hindus) – it cannot be denied that the freedom fighters against the British…

  • Learning from Mahatma Gandhi’s mistakes

    Learning from Mahatma Gandhi’s mistakes

    Mahatma Gandhi is often praised as the man who defeated British imperialism with non-violent agitation. It is still a delicate and unfashionable thing to discuss his mistakes and failures, a criticism hitherto mostly confined to Communist and Hindutva publications. But at this distance in time, we shouldn’t be inhibited by a taboo on criticizing official…