Tag: Moghuls

  • Response to Girish Shahane on Rajput ‘Failure’ or Victory ?

    Response to Girish Shahane on Rajput ‘Failure’ or Victory ?

    I have just been exposed to a worthless and meaningless article by a self-propagating Hindu phobic writer. The person I refer to is known as Girish Shahane, who by his own account is the proud owners of multiple degrees from various institutions including Oxford University  – we presume he means the world famous Oxford University…

  • ‘Marxist’ History in the Unmaking

    ‘Marxist’ History in the Unmaking

    “Modi’s accession to power and the respect he clearly enjoys among the neighbouring governments—and even in the US—may well be an apt occasion to rethink our attitude towards the ideological power struggle in India. So far, Indians and foreigners, and even many inside the BJP, have looked at India through the glasses which the wrongly-named…

  • Colour Prejudice in India : A History

    Colour Prejudice in India : A History

    [box_light]In India the preference for lighter skin is well known. In Bollywood lighter actresses such as Katrina Kaif find that the right skin tone outweighs talent and ignorance of Hindi. Skin lightening products do roaring trade. But what lies at the root of all this? Many people assume it is because over three thousand years…