Tag: Shiva

  • The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    [box_dark]Many people today look to Patanjali, the compiler of the famous Yoga Sutras, as the father or founder of the greater system of Yoga. However, while Patanjali’s work is very important and worthy of profound examination, any extensive study of the ancient literature on Yoga reveals that the Yoga tradition is much older than Patanjali…

  • History of Asana and Exercise in India

    History of Asana and Exercise in India

    [box_light]Asana is the aspect of Yoga least detailed in older Vedic and Yogic texts and is the aspect of classical Yoga given least importance overall. Sometimes little more about asana is said in the older texts than the need to sit straight ( Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads), or to maintain a comfortable pose (Yoga Sutras).[/box_light]…

  • Gokul 1757 : War of the Nagas ~ Shiva’s Sacred Warriors

    Gokul 1757 : War of the Nagas ~ Shiva’s Sacred Warriors

      Amongst the sacred points of pilgrimages of Hinduism one of the most popular regions centre around the fabled birthplace and playground of Sri Krishna known as the Braj Matsya region. This area centred around the south of Delhi is annually visiting today as in the past by thousands of the faithful often humbly treading…