Tag: spotlight

  • This Is Spardha: Ancient Monastic Wrestling and the Rise of Indian MMA

    This Is Spardha: Ancient Monastic Wrestling and the Rise of Indian MMA

    When an Indian Kushti wrestler rolls in the earth, his hair and body become covered in the burnt-umber hue of soft clay. It’s said that he becomes “of one color.” This is meant literally of course — his black hair is matted down by the same mud that covers his body — but it also…

  • Indus Valley 2,000 years older than thought

    Indus Valley 2,000 years older than thought

      The beginning of India’s history has been pushed back by more than 2,000 years, making it older than that of Egypt and Babylon. Latest research has put the date of the origin of the Indus Valley Civilisation at 6,000 years before Christ, which contests the current theory that the settlements around the Indus began…

  • Mahadji Sindhia: Life and Times of a Dharmic Warrior

    Mahadji Sindhia: Life and Times of a Dharmic Warrior

    Amidst the fading light the bursts of gunfire and piles of the dead and dying a young man lay dying. Or at least he thought he was dying amidst the wreck of humanity with nearly sixty thousand warriors slain around him. The field of Panipat in early 1761 was stained red with the blood of…

  • The Myth of “1000 Years of Hindu Slavery”

    The Myth of “1000 Years of Hindu Slavery”

    One thousand years of slavery. Millennia of defeat and domination caused by a dogmatic adherence to the doctrine of ahimsa, preventing an effective resistance to foreign domination. This is what most Hindus are brought up to believe about their history. These and other such theories are happily put forward as history of Hindus for the…