Tag: vedic yoga

  • The Vedic Yoga and Yoga as a Whole

    The Vedic Yoga and Yoga as a Whole

    [box_light]In classical Indian thought, Yoga in the general sense refers to a particular way of spiritual practice and as such has been taken up by most of the spiritual traditions in India, Hindu, Buddhist and Jain . In this regard, Yoga suggests to us characteristic practices of asana, mantra, pranayama and meditation.[/box_light] Yoga in this…

  • The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    [box_dark]Many people today look to Patanjali, the compiler of the famous Yoga Sutras, as the father or founder of the greater system of Yoga. However, while Patanjali’s work is very important and worthy of profound examination, any extensive study of the ancient literature on Yoga reveals that the Yoga tradition is much older than Patanjali…