Tag: yoga

  • Death of the Kshatriya

    Death of the Kshatriya

    These day modern day Hindus have turned the Kshatriya Dharma to fight intellectual battles, In hope that miraculously word drones are going to win wars.- HH editor ) ‘Buddhism with its exaggerated emphasis on quiescence & the quiescent virtue of self-abnegation, its unwise creation of a separate class of quiescents & illuminati, its sharp distinction…

  • The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    Where Brahma (spiritual power) and Kshatra (worldly power) move together, may I know that sacred world where the Gods move together with Agni (the sacred fire). Shukla Yajur Veda 20.25 The ancient Vedic seers provided different teachings for different levels and temperaments of human beings. They recognized an organic order to society, in which various…

  • History of Asana and Exercise in India

    History of Asana and Exercise in India

    [box_light]Asana is the aspect of Yoga least detailed in older Vedic and Yogic texts and is the aspect of classical Yoga given least importance overall. Sometimes little more about asana is said in the older texts than the need to sit straight ( Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads), or to maintain a comfortable pose (Yoga Sutras).[/box_light]…