Author Archive

A brief talk on the history of Hampi by Sadhguru

During his travels, Sadhguru makes a stop in Hampi, the historic capitol of the Vijayanagar Empire. Surrounded by magnificent stones, cave carvings over 4000 years old, and exuding an aura of fascination, this city was once des...

The ‘Hindoo’ Mind : Colonised by Macaulayism

‘ Macaulayism ‘ the term derives from Thomas Babington Macaulay, a member of the Governor General’s Council in the 1830s. Earlier, the British Government of India had completed a survey of the indigenous system of...

Koh-i-Noor diamond not ‘gifted’ to the British, says Dr Subramanian Swamy – ANI

“Expressing his frustration at the law officers of the government, [Dr Swamy] said that he was ashamed of them for claiming that this was a ‘gift’ to the British when the truth was miles away from it.” – ANI Following...

Did the British save Hindus ?

 The idea, however, that the British have wrested the Empire from the Mohamadans is a mistake. The Mohamadans were beaten down — almost everywhere except in Bengal — before the British appeared upon the scene; Bengal they ...

Defying age with a sword: Meenakshi Gurrukkal, Kerala’s grand old Kalaripayattu Dame

Meenakshi Gurukkal crouched low, sword poised; her eyes unblinking as she faced her opponent in the mud-paved ‘kalari’ or arena. From the tree tops, a mynah’s call resonated in the silence. In a flash she move...

This Is Spardha: Ancient Monastic Wrestling and the Rise of Indian MMA

When an Indian Kushti wrestler rolls in the earth, his hair and body become covered in the burnt-umber hue of soft clay. It’s said that he becomes “of one color.” This is meant literally of course — his black hair i...

Death of the Kshatriya

These day modern day Hindus have turned the Kshatriya Dharma to fight intellectual battles, In hope that miraculously word drones are going to win wars.- HH editor ) ‘Buddhism with its exaggerated emphasis on quiescence &...

Reclaim civilisational self from shallow history texts

“Political considerations, ideological affiliations—especially of those who have always tried to establish an imported ideology—of well-resourced groups who have thrived in the Western academia by projecting India as a so...

Who is a Kshatriya ?

 The greatest damage inflicted to India by colonialism was the imposition of its academic indology, specifically engineered to distort the original perfect system of varnas and ashramas into a degrading mechanism based on birt...

Response to Girish Shahane on Rajput ‘Failure’ or Victory ?

I have just been exposed to a worthless and meaningless article by a self-propagating Hindu phobic writer. The person I refer to is known as Girish Shahane, who by his own account is the proud owners of multiple degrees from va...