Posts Tagged ‘Featured’

Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics

There is a legend about a magic tree, kalpataru, that fulfills all wishes. Indian civilization is this tree of riches and wisdom. Kings and emperors sought to conquer India for its material wealth; the campaign of Alexander, th...

The Legend of General Zorawar Singh

Atop the rooftop of the world – standing before serene waters of Lake Mansoravar on the Himalayan Plateau the crisp mountain air was broken with the cries of  ‘Har Har Mahadev’.  A band of Hindu warriors, bloodied and b...

Swami Vivekananda (1863 – 1902)

Early Life Vivekananda was born in Calcutta, named Narendra. He was imbued with virtues at a young age, and was a melodious singer, alert student and powerful athlete. His spiritual longing led him to search far and wide for id...

Gokul 1757 : War of the Nagas ~ Shiva’s Sacred Warriors

  Amongst the sacred points of pilgrimages of Hinduism one of the most popular regions centre around the fabled birthplace and playground of Sri Krishna known as the Braj Matsya region. This area centred around the south o...

God Against the Gods : Battle Millennia

Coming Soon (2291)

Bhārata : Center of the Ancient World

Coming Soon (2088)

Baji Rao1st : The Peshwa

By the 1730s the Mughal Empire lay in ruins.The rulers of Delhi, the ‘Padshahs of the world’ had been humbled and the successors of Aurangzeb lived in terror of the revolutions convulsing the subcontinent of India. ...

Indus Valley 2,000 years older than thought

  The beginning of India’s history has been pushed back by more than 2,000 years, making it older than that of Egypt and Babylon. Latest research has put the date of the origin of the Indus Valley Civilisation at 6,000 y...

Panipat 1761: Going Down in a Blaze of Glory

On the afternoon of January 14th over fifty thousand men lay dead on the ancient battlefield staining the holy ground with their blood. Afghan and Indian Muslim lay locked in a deadly embrace with their arch enemies, the Hindu ...