Posts Tagged ‘yoga’

Death of the Kshatriya

These day modern day Hindus have turned the Kshatriya Dharma to fight intellectual battles, In hope that miraculously word drones are going to win wars.- HH editor ) ‘Buddhism with its exaggerated emphasis on quiescence &...

The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

Where Brahma (spiritual power) and Kshatra (worldly power) move together, may I know that sacred world where the Gods move together with Agni (the sacred fire). Shukla Yajur Veda 20.25 The ancient Vedic seers provided different...

History of Asana and Exercise in India

This has led some people to think that the active asana approaches and movements, such as practiced by many modern Yoga groups, were not part of the older Yoga traditions or were not known in India. It has also gotten some to h...

The Four Vedas

The Vedas present the broader system of Self and cosmic knowledge of which yoga and Ayurveda are specific manifestations. Both Ayurveda and yoga arose as Vedic schools, taught by lineages of Vedic seers, projecting Vedic knowle...

The Six Schools of Vedic Insight

The Six Schools of Vedic Insight Out of the Vedas arose six schools of philosophy, shad darshanas, which literally means six ways of seeing or insight. These were designed to show the logical, metaphysical and cosmological impl...