Category: Historical Figures

  • Prolaya Vema Reddy : Rise of the Warrior King

    Prolaya Vema Reddy : Rise of the Warrior King

    Often Hindus say that Hinduism is resilient and it will survive whatever happens giving an impression that it’s ok don’t worry about the attacks on Hinduism but just go on with your life and somehow Hinduism will miraculously survive anyway. So did our forefathers just go on with their lives while foreign invaders indulged in…

  • Puli Thevar : The Ultimate Rebel Warrior

    Puli Thevar : The Ultimate Rebel Warrior

    Long before Mangal Pandey who ignited the revolt of 1857, there was another Hindu , born in the land of the Raja Raja Cholan, who was the scourge of the enemies of Dharma. His name was Puli Thevar. The name Puli in Tamil means a Tiger, and this brave devotee of Mahadeva was one who…

  • General Balbhadra Kunwar : The Hindu Lion of Nepal

    General Balbhadra Kunwar : The Hindu Lion of Nepal

    While not much is known about the early life and exact year of birth, it is estimated that this brave Hindu warrior was born between 1775-90 in beautiful valley of Kathmandu home to the illustrious Pashupatinath temple. Balbhadra Kunwar was the first among three sons of Chandra Bir Kunwar who belonged to the Hindu Rajput…

  • Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar (1725-1795)

    Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar (1725-1795)

    Western ‘scholarship’ has generally painted a picture of Hindu society in which women have forever been secluded from public life. This view has penetrated widely into the public mind, and has even been internalised by many Hindus. Yet if fails to take into consideration many facts. For example, that women in much of India got…

  • Lachit Borphukan : A Hindu Warrior Par Excellence

    Lachit Borphukan : A Hindu Warrior Par Excellence

    The Hindu Civilsation has given birth to many sages and warriors over its long history to survive and this is a short story of one of its greatest sons mostly known only within Assam but unknown sadly among most Hindus themselves.. In the mid 1600s the Mughal Empire was in the noontide of its glory…

  • Lakshmi Bai : Warrior Queen of Jhansi

    Lakshmi Bai : Warrior Queen of Jhansi

    “We fight for independence. In the words of Lord Krishna, we will, if we are victorious, enjoy the fruits of victory; if defeated and killed on the field of battle, we shall surely earn eternal glory and salvation”- Jhansi Laxmi Bai ( June 18, 1857) 1857 saw one of the bloodiest revolutions in world history…

  • Warrior Queen Karnavati of Uttarakhand

    Warrior Queen Karnavati of Uttarakhand

    In the mid-1300s the legend goes that their Raja Ajayapala performed a vigorous mantra-sadhana of various bhairava mantra-s into which he had been initiated by a natha-yogin. Consequently, he came to dominate the whole Uttarakhand, and his clan became its paramount rulers. In this period they used to have a lineage of kali kula (kali…

  • Rani Chennamma

    Rani Chennamma

    Rani Chennamma  (October 23, 1778 – February 21, 1829) was the Queen of Kittur in Karnataka, southern India. In her youth she received training in horse riding, sword fighting and archery. She became queen of her native kingdom and married Raja Mallasarja, of the Desai family, and had one son; after her son’s death in…

  • Rani Durgavati

    Rani Durgavati

    Rani Durgavati was born on 5th October 1524 A.D. in the family of famous Chandel emperor Keerat Rai. She was born at the fort of Kalanjar (Banda, U.P.). Chandel Dynasty is famous in the Indian History for the valiant king Vidyadhar who repulsed the attacks of Mehmood Gaznavi. His love for sculptures is shown in…

  • Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics

    Erwin Schrödinger : Vedantist and Father of Quantum Mechanics

    There is a legend about a magic tree, kalpataru, that fulfills all wishes. Indian civilization is this tree of riches and wisdom. Kings and emperors sought to conquer India for its material wealth; the campaign of Alexander, the unceasing attacks of the Turks, the voyage of Columbus, the British empire—these had India as the focus.…