Category: Sacred Weapons

  • Video : Ancient Hindu Warrior Mace Training

    Video : Ancient Hindu Warrior Mace Training

    The fiercest warriors Alexandra the Great  faced in all his campaigns were up against Hindu mace warriors Looking for a new workout? How about one that was used by Hindu warriors over 2,000 years ago and still used by Pehlwani wrestlers today? The gada, or heavy mace, was the weapon of choice of Hindu soldiers as…

  • Video : Indian Clubs | Training at Suria Akhara

    Video : Indian Clubs | Training at Suria Akhara

    Training at Suria Akhara This video is a collection of training footage recorded at Suria Akhara, Varanasi, India. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone Training at Suria Akhara for allowing me to record this video footage during your training. Most of the video was recorded early in the morning, the temperature on…

  • Weapon Worship in India

    Weapon Worship in India

    There is an interesting cultural element of worshipping weapons in India. It is called Shastra Puja or Ayudha Puja, which literally means weapon worship. It takes place during an Indian religious annual festival in September. The celebration is dedicated to the Goddess Durga. During this event, people decorate their weapons with flowers and some religious ornaments…

  • Video : Acing Silambam in a Saree

    Video : Acing Silambam in a Saree

    Most urban, young women today see the saree as a dress for special occasions. Compared to modern attire, the saree is rather restricting and limits one’s movements. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a perfect drape if you are a novice! But this video uploaded by Aishwarya Manivannan on National Handloom Day…

  • The Gurkha Khukri – A Saga of Snow, Steel, Blood and Sacrifice

    The Gurkha Khukri – A Saga of Snow, Steel, Blood and Sacrifice

    While there are several legends about the origin of this blade called the Khukri, what is know is that origin of this blade lies in Nepal. Some say it was originated from a form of knife first used by the Mallas who came to power in Nepal in the 13th Century. There are some Kukris…