Category: Introduction

  • The Ideals of the Kshatriya – Warrior

    The Ideals of the Kshatriya – Warrior

    It is clear to Sri Krishna that Arjuna will not be swayed by philosophical considerations alone, and he therefore next turns his attention to the role and highest ideals of the warrior caste, the kshatriya, to which Arjuna belongs. The principles enunciated here speak to the entire background, training and education that Arjuna has received…

  • Testing post to check FB comments

    Testing (34)

  • The Last Raid : Dying Embers of the Mughal Empire

    The Last Raid : Dying Embers of the Mughal Empire

    In 1754 the Marathas arrived as the kingmakers in Delhi . The defeat and decline of the Imperial Mughal armies had led to the ethnic tensions between the ruling classes of the Mughals being the Iranis, the Turanis and the much despised Hindustanis. Their erstwhile allies composing of part of the Hindu ruling classes of…