Tag: indian martial arts

  • Video : Acing Silambam in a Saree

    Video : Acing Silambam in a Saree

    Most urban, young women today see the saree as a dress for special occasions. Compared to modern attire, the saree is rather restricting and limits one’s movements. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a perfect drape if you are a novice! But this video uploaded by Aishwarya Manivannan on National Handloom Day…

  • History of Asana and Exercise in India

    History of Asana and Exercise in India

    [box_light]Asana is the aspect of Yoga least detailed in older Vedic and Yogic texts and is the aspect of classical Yoga given least importance overall. Sometimes little more about asana is said in the older texts than the need to sit straight ( Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads), or to maintain a comfortable pose (Yoga Sutras).[/box_light]…

  • Vajra Mushti : Style of the Thunderbolt Fist

    Vajra Mushti : Style of the Thunderbolt Fist

    [box_light]Vajra Mushti (Sanskrit vajramuṣṭi वज्रमुश्टि) is a Sanskrit bahuvrihi compound translating to “one who is grasping a thunderbolt” or “one whose clenched fist is like a diamond”. It is a name of Indra mentioned in the Ramayana epic[/box_light]   Prior to his training in Brazil in the late 80’s, author and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black…