Month: March 2013

  • Historical Christian Contributions to Tamil Language and Culture

    Historical Christian Contributions to Tamil Language and Culture

    As Christianity expanded leaving in its trail genocides,pillage and the destruction of indigenous pagan traditions it couldn’t always break the spirit of the common people it persecuted who still prayed to the old gods and celebrated them in most cases secretly. So the church had another method of destroying the ancient traditions by Christianizing the…

  • The Mystery of Curry

    The Mystery of Curry

    What is curry? Today, the word describes a bewildering number of spicy vegetable and meat stews from places as far-flung as the Indian subcontinent, the South Pacific, and the Caribbean Islands. There is little agreement about what actually constitutes a curry. And, until recently, how and when curry first appeared was a culinary mystery as…

  • Beauty and the ‘Beast’ of Sufism : A Short History In India

    Beauty and the ‘Beast’ of Sufism : A Short History In India

    Sufism is contrasted with more intolerant strains of Islam, notably that advocating jihad, proscribing of dancing and music, intolerance towards the kuffar, and strict interpretation of sharia. Unlike the stern teachings found within Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia or the Shia strain in Iran , Sufi Islam holds a more mystical approach in which the ego…