Tag: krishna

  • Who is a Kshatriya ?

    Who is a Kshatriya ?

     The greatest damage inflicted to India by colonialism was the imposition of its academic indology, specifically engineered to distort the original perfect system of varnas and ashramas into a degrading mechanism based on birth prejudice and privilege and modeled after the racist mentality imported by the alien invaders. In this way, schools both in India…

  • The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma

    Where Brahma (spiritual power) and Kshatra (worldly power) move together, may I know that sacred world where the Gods move together with Agni (the sacred fire). Shukla Yajur Veda 20.25 The ancient Vedic seers provided different teachings for different levels and temperaments of human beings. They recognized an organic order to society, in which various…

  • The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    The Vedic Basis of Classical Yoga

    [box_dark]Many people today look to Patanjali, the compiler of the famous Yoga Sutras, as the father or founder of the greater system of Yoga. However, while Patanjali’s work is very important and worthy of profound examination, any extensive study of the ancient literature on Yoga reveals that the Yoga tradition is much older than Patanjali…